
How much does your MCA Broker get paid for each advance (loan)?

How much does your MCA Broker get paid for each advance (loan)?

“…When your business financing broker is presented with an “Approval” from the Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) company, your broker chooses from a list or tier of “Offers” at each Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) company. This list of offer options contains variable commission rates and payback terms and cost to the borrower. (Ex.- $100,000 in “funding” at a 1.35x factor rate or $135,000 payback). Your “trusted, friendly broker” adds from 0.10x to 0.15x to the offer and presents it to you as: $100,000 in “funding” at a 1.50x factor rate of $150,000 payback…”

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