NEVER accept Merchant Cash
Advance "RENEWAL" Offers:
Here’s why we suggest that you NEVER, EVER, EVER accept a
Merchant Cash Advance “RENEWAL” Offer
Excerpt from our latest report on the dangers of MCAs…
“…Our main goal with this report is to educate you on the true cost and danger of taking MCAs for your business. If you listen to or learn anything from this report, please, please, please, never, ever, ever take a “Renewal” from an MCA company. The worst thing you can do is take a “Renewal” when you find your business strapped for cash flow because of the high and ultimately fatal cost of MCAs destroying your business…
One of the most disgusting options in the MCA industry is the forever ill-advised “RENEWAL” offer (as the brokers call it in the MCA industry)…
As a general rule within the MCA industry, when a business pays back 50% or more of the MCA total contract they are normally qualified for a “RENEWAL” which simply means that the MCA company is willing to give you more “funding” since you are 50%+ paid in to your current MCA contract….”
Visit our post and download our latest FREE FULL MCA REPORT-
“The Critical Dangers of Merchant Cash Advances”
Solutions are available to get you and your business out of the destructive MCA cycle.
MCA Debt Refinance- Restructuring-