Finance or Refinance Your Consumer Debt Portfolio Purchases

Kanjorski Partners, LLC can assist consumer debt buyers and collection agencies in refinancing their purchased consumer debt portfolios and with financing for their future purchases.

Eliminate fixed monthly payment amortization and remit monthly on a gross cash flow percentage basis.

Both equity and debt financing structures are available for refinancing existing purchases or for financing new purchases.

For a FREE portfolio appraisal and a quote for financing or refinancing, contact us today to setup a consultation.

JUDGMENT ACCOUNTS - Sell your consumer debt judgment accounts


Our consumer debt purchasing clients are seeking judgment portfolios for acquisition.

Consumer debt judgments (credit card, consumer loans, auto loans, etc).

Older judgments, dormant judgments and any size is OK.

Please contact us if you have consumer debt judgment portfolios for sale.

Collection Law Firm Inventory & Workflow Management

Bernarsky Partners recently entered into a monthly service agreement with a collection law firm for payer identification and account scoring services of all existing and newly placed inventory.

Chance of Collection (tm), our payer identification scoring model is able to identify which defaulted, charged off or judgment accounts will pay in the future. Our collection law firm client uses the Chance of Collection (tm) model to determine which newly placed accounts go to the top of the workflow pile for their attorneys and paralegals to begin reviewing and processing.

We also reviewed all dormant judgment accounts in the law firm’s inventory to determine the most profitable course of action for post judgment remedies by identifying which judgments have the highest propensity to pay.

Here is a white paper on our Chance of Collection (tm) analytics model services

“Chance of Collection” (tm) Overview

Creditor Dormant Judgment Inventory Review and Monetization

Bernarsky Partners recently assisted a subrogation, collection and creditor rights law firm in reviewing their dormant judgment inventory. Chance of Collection (tm), our proprietary analytics model, was able to identify concentrated and specific portions of the total creditor judgment inventory out of a large pool of dormant judgments that will pay in the near future. Our Chance of Collection (tm) model also identified assets such as bank accounts, brokerage accounts, other personal property and places of employment to aid in post-judgment executions and remedies.

This dormant judgment inventory review has enabled our client, the collection law firm, to focus their resources and production time specifically on the judgment accounts that will produce maximum fee revenue and net back to their clients.

Here is a white paper on our Chance of Collection (tm) analytics model services

“Chance of Collection” (tm) Overview

"Chance of Collection"(tm) Predictive Payment Analytics Scoring Model for Defaulted Credit Accounts

Bernarsky Partners, LLC announces its exclusive agreement with “Chance of Collection” (tm), a proprietary predictive algorithmic scoring model that identifies accounts in a defaulted or charged off status that have a high propensity to pay.

The “Chance of Collection” (tm) scoring model is customized client-by-client to produce results through back tested, predictive analytics in the following areas:

(1) COLLECTION AGENCIES- prioritizes accounts by propensity to pay, estimated percentage of payment in each score tranche and also estimated amount and/or term of payments to be expected; increases profitability and efficiency by enabling a collection agency to work less accounts and collect more for their clients

(2) CREDITORS- identifies delinquent accounts that have the highest propensity to “cure” prior to charge off as well as which accounts to keep internally and which accounts to outsource/sell; segments accounts by propensity to fall into delinquency; identifies accounts that are in danger of future bankruptcy; provides recommendations on which accounts to send to litigation with the highest chance of recovery to produce optimal net charge off rates for credit issuers

(3) COLLECTION LAW FIRMS- identifies which accounts in the paralegal’s queue to pursue first for litigation; pinpoints specifically which judgments to focus on monetizing and provides judgment debtor asset information as well as place of employment for judgment execution

Download an overview from the link below of how the “Chance of Collection” (tm) scoring model works:

“Chance of Collection” (tm) Overview

$100mm Senior Credit Facility For Purchasing Defaulted Consumer Receivable Assets

Bernarsky Partners LLC has secured a $100mm senior credit facility for one of our clients to purchase semi-performing and non-performing defaulted consumer credit receivables assets. We sourced this credit facility for our client from our network of alternative asset finance and capital partners.

Bernarsky Partners LLC is also contracted to source, analyze and price assets for acquisition with this revolving senior credit facility.

Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) Direct Investment Platform

Merchant Cash Advances (MCA) to small and medium-sized businesses against their future receivables/sales and their owner’s personal guarantee is a highly profitable investment space.

There are many funds and companies participating in this asset class since its inception circa 2006 and especially since its parabolic rise in market share across the US business lending market place since 2012.

Bernarsky Partners has direct relationships with the most successful private MCA companies who were the innovators of this type and structure of investment. We only deal with the funds and its managers that have a long, proven track record (back to 2006) in successful underwriting and risk management resulting in top quality credit portfolios of merchant cash advance assets.

Bernarsky Partners has close relationships with a select few industry-leading funds that are direct lenders and that offer direct investment into their funds to our clients and partners.

Non-Performing Consumer Credit Card Portfolio

Bernarsky Partners sourced, analyzed, priced and won the auction of a defaulted portfolio of prime-issued consumer credit card assets for its client. Additionally, Bernarsky Partners arranged the senior debt facility and the equity investors for the transaction between its client and a major US financial institution who was the seller of the defaulted receivable assets.

Bernarsky Partners is also overseeing the on-going decision analytics and management of the liquidation of the assets acquired by its client.

Business Intelligence and Analytics Dashboards

Bernarsky Partners has created an integrated, central data repository and reporting platform for a family office that has acquired and continues to acquire financial service companies specializing in consumer lending and the credit and collections industry.

The centralized data base and analytics dashboards created have integrated and helped leverage the data of each company across the entire organization. The executives and senior management team is now better able to understand the operations of each entity and also more closely monitor their growth targets and strategies from one central point with more frequent updates and insight.

Predictive Analytics and Work Flow Consulting

Bernarsky Partners contracted with a prominent accounts receivable management company to provide predictive analytics and business intelligence services. Our proprietary analytics platform and systems helped our client better pinpoint specifically which defaulted accounts will liquidate (begin to pay again after defaulting).

Our analytics of their multiple lines of business and account-level scoring enabled them to enhance their current operations and more precisely target their inventory thus recovering more for their clients as well as operating more profitably.

This particular client is a long-time vendor and service provider of account receivable management services for numerous Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 US auto manufacturing, banking and finance companies.

Semi-Performing Auto Deficiency Receivable Portfolio

Bernarsky Partners identified, analyzed, priced and won the auction of a semi-performing portfolio of subprime-issued auto accounts for its client. Additionally, Bernarsky Partners arranged the equity investors for the transaction between its client and a major US auto finance company who was the seller of the deficiency (balance owed after auto repossession) portfolio of receivable assets.

Bernarsky Partners is also overseeing the on-going decision analytics and management of the liquidation of the assets acquired by its client.