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Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) Direct Investment Platform

Merchant Cash Advances (MCA) to small and medium-sized businesses against their future receivables/sales and their owner’s personal guarantee is a highly profitable investment space.

There are many funds and companies participating in this asset class since its inception circa 2006 and especially since its parabolic rise in market share across the US business lending market place since 2012.

Bernarsky Partners has direct relationships with the most successful private MCA companies who were the innovators of this type and structure of investment. We only deal with the funds and its managers that have a long, proven track record (back to 2006) in successful underwriting and risk management resulting in top quality credit portfolios of merchant cash advance assets.

Bernarsky Partners has close relationships with a select few industry-leading funds that are direct lenders and that offer direct investment into their funds to our clients and partners.